* 450 digital cards in total:
* 40 unique pictures on ATC cards
* a lot of other cards: circles, squares, tags, tickets
* 47 digital papers ready to print, JPEG format
* each paper print size measures 8.5 x 11 inches
* packed in 5 ZIP archives for easy download
* origin source book information included
* 300 dpi resolution
Please note: This is a digital product, no physical items will be shipped. Photos are for display purposes only, they are not included in the downloadable files.
* Species shown on cards:
Sneeze-Wort Yarrow, Chamomile, Matricaria Absintbi Folio, Chrysanthemum Inodorum Genuinum, Stinking Stinking Mayweed, Corn Corn Marigold, Wild Wooly-Yellow Milfoil, Matricaria Chamomilla, Anthemis Tinctoria, Great White Ox-Eye, Sea Spanish Camomile, Arctotis Anthemoides, Common Common Feverfew, Ox-Eye Pellitory of Spain, Matricaria Parthanium, Anthemis Cotula, Scentless Mayweed, Anthemis Pyretrum, Common-Milfoil, Matricaria Parthenium, Matricaria Perforata Mera, Anthemis Mixta, Matricaria Indica, Anthemis Vulgaris, Anthemis Nobilis, Anthemis Arvensis, Anthemis Pyrethrum, Dotted-Leaved Yarrow, Broad-Leaved Bur-Weed Arctotis, Anthemis Genuina
Please DO NOT:
* Share, or Sell, or redistribute the graphics in their original format
* Use the graphics to make other digital design resource
Please USE it:
* for any printed or physical product
* for any digital finished end product, if it is your own design and had creative changes made