* 450 digital cards in total:
* 40 unique pictures on ATC cards
* a lot of other cards: bookmarks, rectangles, squares, tags, tickets
* 57 digital papers ready to print, JPEG format
* each paper print size measures 8.5 x 11 inches
* packed in 5 ZIP archives for easy download
* list of shown species included
* origin source book information included
* 300 dpi resolution
Please note: This is a digital product, no physical items will be shipped. Photos are for display purposes only, they are not included in the downloadable files.
* Species shown on cards:
Lucius Lucius, The Fresk Water Drum, Salmo Irideus Gilberti, The Eastern or Banded Pickerel, or Barb, Cyprinus Carpio, The Mangrove Snapper, The Brown or German Trout, Salmo Fario, Cynoscion Maculatum, Salvelinus Fontinalis, Cynoscion Regale, The Spanish Mackerel, The Kingfish, Stenotomus Chrysops, The Blackfish or Tautog, Trachinotus Carolinis, Squaw’s-Fish or Yellow Belly, The Dollar or Butter Fish, The Montana Grayling, The Rock Bass, Tautoga Onitis, The Mirror Carp, The Kern River Trout, The Yellow Perch, Rhombus Triacanthus, The Striped Mullet, or Lafayette, Ambloplites Rupestris, The Striped Bass, The Unspotted Mascalonge of Wisconsin, Mugil Brasiliensis, The Bluefish, Roccus Lineatus, Micropterus Salmoides, The Porgee or Scup, Centropristes Striatus, Aplodinotus Grunniens, Lucius Masquinongy, The Sacramento Pike, Scomberomorus Maculatus, The Small-Mouthed Black Bass, Coregonus Williamsoni, Scioena Ocellata, The Sea Bass, The Pompano, The Michigan Grayling, The Spotted Sea Trout, Salmo Salar Ouananiche, Mentichirrhus Nebulosus, Perca Flaverscens, Micropterus Dolomieu, The White or Silver Bass, or Sheepshead, The Rocky Mountain Whitefish, Amiurus Nebulosus, Lucius Reticulatus,Additional The Eastern Pond Pickerel, Roccus Chrysops, The Rainbow Trout, Pomatomus Saltatrix, The Ouananiche or Winninish, Eupomotis Gibbosus, Lutjanus Griseus, The Common Sunfish, The Weakfish or Squeteague, The Rocky Mountain Trout, The Large-Mouthed Black Bass, The Common Bullhead or Horned Pout, Thymallus Ontariensis, The Pike, Salmo Mykiss, The Spot, Pimelometopon Pulcher, Argyrocomus Artedi Sisco, Thymallus Signifer Montanus, The Red Drum or Channel Bass, Leiostomus Xanthurus, The California Redfish or Fat-Head, The American Brook Trout, Ptychocheilus Oregonensis, Salmo Irideus, Hybrid Trout Cross of The Lake and Brook Trout, Whiting., The Cisco of Lake Geneva
Please DO NOT:
* Share, or Sell, or redistribute the graphics in their original format
Please USE it:
* for any printed or physical product
* for any digital finished end product, if it is your own design and had creative changes made