* 200 digital ATC cards in total:
* 40 unique pictures x 5 different designs
* 25 digital papers ready to print, JPEG format
* 8 cards on each digital paper
* packed in 5 ZIP archives
* each card size 2.5 x 3.5 inches
* 300 dpi resolution
Please note: This is a digital product, no physical items will be shipped. Photos are for display purposes only, they are not included in the downloadable files.
* Species shown on cards:
Rhexia Holosericea, Scarlet Blandfordia, Limodorum Falcatum, Clitoria Plumieri, Glycine Caribaea, Ipomoea Platensis, Passiflora Foetida, Square-Stemmed East Indian Ipomoea, Purple Afternoon Flowering Ipomoea, Small-Flowered Begonia, Ornithogalum Revolutum, Pancratium Guianense, Disa Bracteata, Ornithogalum Thyrsoides Flavescens, Sickle-Leaved Limodorum, Straw-Coloured Pale-Flowered Lachenalia, Stinking Passion-Flower, Spermadictyon Suaveolens, Rose Vervain, Rose-Flowered Indian-Fig, Malva Fragrans, Ipomoea Denticulata, Sir George Staunton’s Bindweed, Trailing Glycine, Tropical Sea-Shore Ipomoea, Ipomoea Caerulea, Verbena Aubletia, Gigantic-Leaved Trumpet-Flower, Small-Flowered Disa, Sweet-Scented Sermadictyon, Justicia Eustachiana, Winter Orchis of Sicily, Cactus Speciosus, Hibbertia Dentata, Smooth Plaited-Leaved Curculigo, Curculigo Plicata, Prickly-Seeded Pavonia, Cayenne Sea-Daffodil, Virginian Water-Leaf, Red and White Crassula, Othonna Cheirifolia, Bossiaea Cinerea, Tall-Flowered Long-Leaved Amaryllis, Pavonia Spinifex, Pale Yellow Thyrse-Flowering Star-Of-Bethlehem, Hydrophyllum Virginicum, Ipomoea Maritima, Bignonia Grandifolia, St Eustatica Justicia, Plumier’s Clitoria, Convolvulus Chinensis, Phaseolus Caracalla, Velvet-Leaved Rhexia, Begonia Humilis, Amaryllis Longifolia Longiflora, Pulo-Pinang Camellia, Roxburgh’s Ipomoea, Blandfordia Nobilis, Revolute-Flowered Star-Of-Bethlehem, Ipomoea Bona Nox Purpurascens, Crassula Versicolor, Sweet-Scented Mallow, Panicled Clerodendron, Plata Ipomoea, Euphorbia Rigida, Sharp-Leaved Bossiaea, Stripe-Leaved Maranta, Twisted-Flowered Kidney-Bean or Snail-Flower, Vella Pseudo-Cytisus, Ipomoea Turpethum, Maranta Zebrina, Van Rheede’s East Indian Ipomoea, Shrubby Cress-Rocket, Stock-Leaved Barbary Ragwort, Orchis Longibracteata, Tartarian Spurge, Lachenalia Pallida, Clerodendron Paniculatum, Toothed-Leaved Hibbertia, Camellia Axillaris
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* Share, or Sell, or redistribute the graphics in their original format
Please USE it:
* for any printed or physical product
* for any digital finished end product, if it is your own design and had creative changes made