* 200 digital ATC cards in total:
* 40 unique pictures x 5 different designs
* 25 digital papers ready to print, JPEG format
* 8 cards on each digital paper
* packed in 5 ZIP archives
* each card size 2.5 x 3.5 inches
* 300 dpi resolution
Please note: This is a digital product, no physical items will be shipped. Photos are for display purposes only, they are not included in the downloadable files.
* Species shown on cards:
Thore, Petalura, EuFulgora, Gomphus, Raphidia, Andrena, Micromerus, Calepteryx, Cordulia, Hetaerina, Orthetrum, Perla, Cordulegaster, VLestes, Libellula, Limnephilus, Sialis, Panorpa, Blatta, Aeshna, Chrysopa, Anax, Trithemis, Brachytron, Phryganea, Macromia, V, Osmylus, Phoraspis, Lampyris, Sympetrum, Neuroptera, Lestes, Agrion, Chalcopteryx, Ephemera, Crocothemis
Please DO NOT:
* Share, or Sell, or redistribute the graphics in their original format
Please USE it:
* for any printed or physical product
* for any digital finished end product, if it is your own design and had creative changes made