* 200 digital ATC cards in total:
* 40 unique pictures x 5 different designs
* 25 digital papers ready to print, JPEG format
* 8 cards on each digital paper
* packed in 5 ZIP archives
* each card size 2.5 x 3.5 inches
* 300 dpi resolution
Please note: This is a digital product, no physical items will be shipped. Photos are for display purposes only, they are not included in the downloadable files.
* Species shown on cards:
Pastinaca Ligusticifolia, Strychnos Potatorum, Lysimachia Deltoidea, Valeriana Hookeriana, Anemone Wightiana, Sesamum Indicum, Citrus Limetta, Rhododendron Arborcum, Tiaridium Indicum, Arenaria Neilgherrense, Citrus Vulgaris, Sphenoclea Pongatium, Solanum Melongena, Clematis Wightiana, Pluchea Indica, Ludwigia Parviflora, Olea Dioica, Canthium Umbellatum, Berberis Leschenaultii, Bursinopetalum Arbreum, Psychotria Ambigua, Symplocos Spicata, Passiflora Walkeriae, Abelmoschus Angulosus, Spathodia Adenophylla, Trichodesma Indicum, Scaevola Taccada, Cardamine Borbonica, Clematis Gouriana, Bupleurum Ramosissimum, Punica Granatum, Plantago Asiatica, Messaenda Frondosa, Schrebera Swietenoides, Wrightea Mollissima, Salvadora Indica, Opuntia Dillenii, Trichosanthes Palmata
Please DO NOT:
* Share, or Sell, or redistribute the graphics in their original format
* Use the graphics to make other digital design resource
Please USE it:
* for any printed or physical product
* for any digital finished end product, if it is your own design and had creative changes made